I said that I would post pics of Mikito when his hair grew back in front of where his eyes used to be, but I couldn't resist taping him when he was running outside. His behavior of jumping in front of the big dogs was typical of what he would do before he lost his eyesight. So, needless to say, he is back to his old self despite the fact that he is blind. Six weeks ago, I was sure that he was not going to make it. I'm sharing this story just in case anyone else ever experiences something similar with their pet. If you love your pets like I love mine, you know that it is devastating when faced with life or death situations that can come up.
I'm enjoying him more now that I probably did before. He has become dependant on me since this has happened and knows that I'm his eyes when need be. I'll keep you posted.
Oh yeah....a couple of notes about the video. The heavy panting from Jake is not because he has been run too hard, but he had laryngeal paralysis a couple of years ago. He had to have tie-back surgery which has left his larnyx partially opened so that he can breathe, but the hole is small so that he doesn't get water or food in his lungs causing him to aspirate. I do love my two purebreds, but both have experienced health problems related to their breed even though both came from good breeders. In the future, I will always get dogs who are in need of being rescuing like Buddy, the one who just gets a little bit excited about catching the ball...
**Please don't think of this as bad photography...INSTEAD pretend you are on a rather rough simulator ride taking you on this adventure ;o)
Mikito looks happy! I'm so glad you updated with the video. I love my dogs about as much as my children. In our house we have a saying 'I love almost as much as Bob and Alice' (the dogs). So I completely empathize with you when it comes to care of your pets.
I know....my kids are all grown and gone :O( and :O)
His recovery has been amazing!
Too wonderful. With now just two after losing Rudy, I savor every moment. I love the panting, sounds like my Daisy. I love purebreds, but would not trade my mutts.
Mikito is too cute and he looks happy.
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