Giving is ALWAYS good....I believe in good karma. Let's see.....I have been INCREDIBLY busy this past month and sometimes find it really hard to juggle everything. I have a list of jewelry friends that I want to blog about, I have a website that I am working on, I am a full-time special ed. teacher, I make beads, sell them, have 3 dogs and a hubby! I also have 3 grown children who, at times, stop me in my tracks...

Sometimes I don't know if I'm coming or going... How about leaving a comment about how you juggle your busy lives. For me, it's just random. I tend to put off what I like to do the least at that particular time. I find the computer very addicting and pulling myself away from it can be challenging...How about you? I could use some tips!! I'll give these away on Saturday, the 19th. Leave your comment for these little popular buttons and a lone bead :O)
Not sure that I am the best person to give you any tips Mary Ann, I need 84 hours in the day myself! If I am really under pressure I have to make myself not answer the phone and also find if I write a list of the most ESSENTIAL things I need to finish and just do them it helps. Have only written about 3 lists this year however, easier said than done!!!
Please enter me in your draw for your gorgeous buttons and bead, they would combine beautifully with felt!
Hi MaryAnn! Wow your plates really full but it would be with the schedule and commitments you have! Me? My works part time so I have time to do the things I want. But if I were in your shoes Id be the same. My house backs up tho sometimes..not enuf hours. But with my new lampwork tools now I think I will be scrambling to keep up with everything!
I feel you pain. I'm also a teacher (for 17 years)and find that as soon as summer break begins I go into a complete panic about all that has been put off until now because of the hectic nature of the last six weeks of school and life in general. I find that because so many years of my life have been scheduled in 50 minute increments, large open blocks of time are difficult for me. I make myself a schedule/routine (yes, don't we become prisoners of our own system!).
My daily plan is usually divided into 1 to 2 hour blocks of time. I put chores I dislike early in the day, I also reward myself for completing each chore with some computer time. I tend to get distracted and avoid things I don't really want to do, but knowing that they will be done in an hour helps me. Studio time goes in a bigger block of time. I also put free time on the schedule.
I make lists. I have one right now that has things I would like to do over the summer - make ice cream, plant a fruit tree, paint the living room. Then I break down these into smaller tasks and put them on my daily schedule. Don't get me wrong, my house is still full of dog hair, I have six sinks, three toilets, two showers, and three bath tubs - none of them are ever clean at the same time.
Throw my name in the hat for your fabulous buttons.
Mary Ann, I have the same problem. I do the things I like best and leave the rest. You should see the state of my dining room table right now. Cleaning/organizing is on my list of least likes. But I rely on lists. I organize a month at a time. Mostly that works. But it's hard to maintain, like right now. I am listless.
Good to know that I am not the only one who feels overwhelmed from time to time. I have a full-time job, a high-intensity 8 year old and an aging parent. I make jewelry as a hobby and barely keep up. I like the idea of lists, but I also recognize that sometimes I over commit/plan. Summer is particularly challenging because it is way more fun to be outside with my family or working in my garden. I tend to get a lot done on car trips which are also more frequent in the summer. Good luck!
That sounds kind of familiar. I work full time and both my girls play football = a lot of practises and games. Usually I only do what I absolutely have to do. I often leave all the cleaning and the laundry until the weekend. No matter how busy the day is I always try to take the time to do something I enjoy too!
I somehow knew I wasn't alone...I think I'm going to try lists. That's what I do at work, but don't usually do that at home! Love the tips and knowing I'm not alone :O)
At the moment my juggling skills are naught with me not blogging for over a month on my gardening blog and at least four or so blog posts behind on my other blog, deadlines looming, family life racing along, I feel like I am just hanging on to the tail end of my jalopy of vehicle thats my life ;)
Once eveyone is fed and in bed on time I think I am doing well :) at least thats what I tell myself.
Hmmm now I am not probably the best person to seek advice from either as I am always complaining about never having time to do things.
I work full time and have a 4yo son. I find the only way I find time to bead or do other things is to do them late at night. I will often stay up until around midnight beading as it is the only chance I get other than beading on my lunch break at work.
I have recently though started getting to bed a little earlier (11.00pm) as I was physically exhausted staying up so late. I am trying to train myself that if ''important'' things like the housework don't get done then that is cool... trying to find that medium between leaving things and getting them done without complaining seems to be my constant battle!
Random it is - so no help here. But I love your buttons and would be glad to have them. regards Stefanie
I feel like I never have enough time, but I think I'm getting a little more productive with my business lately. I make tons of lists and make myself I will allow, say an hour of blog browsing, but only after I have completed certain tasks, such as listing 3-4 items in my shop, taking photos, etc. It's not easy, especially when there are always awesome giveaways going on!!
Don't be too hard on yourself - juggling seems to be par-for-the course for most of us these days: work, "work", partners, kids, pets, whew! You don't need to be perfect, you just need to be you (and that seems pretty good to us!)
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