Thursday, June 17, 2010


And about all I have been able to handle from any kind of oven are ceramic beads.....Lately, I've developed some sort of issue with food.  Since I love to eat and this digestive issue isn't conducive to pizza and cookies, I am on soft foods only.  Hopefully, this now 3 week long bout with feeling full after 1 cup of potatoes will last only until I lose 10 more pounds ;o)  ..... 

I'm halfway kidding!

These are the beads that didn't fit into last weekend's firing.  Those under the protection of the paintbrush may be spoken for....I still have to check with their potential owners!


steufel said...

Great colors! I love every single one of them. regards Stefanie

Indian Creek Studios said...

love the pebbles!

SummersStudio said...

Nice gifts from the kiln god! Hope you are better soon. It's just not right to not be able to eat pizza.

Kella said...

To beautiful for words, love them all.

Pretty Things said...


In the Light of the Moon said...

I'm sorry to hear your not feeling well.I hope it passes quickly for you.Your beads are truly beautiful!Warmest Regards,Cat

Silver Parrot said...

That purple pendant and beads are already livin' at my house ;-) YAY!