Sunday, May 16, 2010


whose favorite times were when my father used to take my sister Colleen and me to the Cigar Store ...(Hard to believe, I know) to get $1.00 worth of candy.  Back in the 60's and early 70's that meant 100 PIECES...Ye Ha!  It was like ectasy for the hour that I had alone with my "wax lips" and candy cigaretters (yes, I did say candy cigarettes ;o) before my dollars worth was all gone and I had to start sneaking into my sister's room to steal hers....Sorry Col!

 Where is this going...My kiln!  It's even better than $1.00's worth of candy and calorie free!


Pearl and Pebble said...

MaryAnn I love this new batch! Very cool!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Mary Ann!!! I'm just so in awe of your talent. I know I've said it before, but your beads truly do get better and better with every batch. I'm must amazed. These are all GORGEOUS!!! I hope some of the 'bulls eyes" have my name on them. Can't WAIT to purchase some of these!!!!!!! Is the red new??? It looks darker and richer than your previous reds... ?? LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!! I see my MAC bead collection is going to be growing soon!!! :)

Juli Cannon said...

WOWZERS! This a gorgeous group of goodies~ love all 'em!

TesoriTrovati said...

These look yummy enough to eat! How exactly do you stop yourself from licking their lusciousness? I don't think I could! Enjoy the day! Erin

Rose said...

WOW! Those ARE yummy enough to eat!

Kella said...

What lovelies you create, found you via Round Rabbit's blog where she lgged about your work and your hubby's.

I added you to my blog roll and look forward to visiting your blog in the future.

Bill Perrine said...

Thanks everyone! Happy to have a new follower Kella!

Juli Cannon said...

Hey MaryAnn~ (and Bill)

I've left a surprise for you on my blog.

Michelle Mach said...

So pretty! Love this batch of colors.

Pretty Things said...

I just want to SCOOOOOP all those up and run laughing wildly down the street to hide them in my stash!