Anyhow....Here are a few color combos from the kiln opening this morning. I used some of my favorite colors and put them on one bead. Four of the five I have grown to love. The fifth one was not one of my favorites, but I thought that it might work with this grouping (I needed a fifth!) And it DID!! It looked fabulous. It's the yellowy one that kinda bursts out from the center of the glaze. Very cool! These beads are large (16 mm - 5/8") and will be listed in my shop later on.
The pendant is another path I decided to travel. Again, I took a couple of color favorites and put them on one piece. There is definitely something to be said for time spent with your glazes. Once you know them, there are so many more opportunities. I probably shouldn't say this (I don't want to be jinxed!), but gone are the days that I am grinding too much glaze off of my beads because they pooled and disfigured the bead! Now I'm off to go for a hike with one of my BFF's ;o) (that's an almost 50 year old being hip ;o)
Delicious colors MaryAnn. Great work.
Thanks Mary!
LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't WAIT to use that pendant in something SPECTACULAR!!!!!!! Your pieces just get better, and better and better Mary Ann!!!!
Hey Mary Ann! I love that pendant! Great colors and a really good texture to it as well! I always love seeing your new work!
Thanks for sharing! Have a terrific weekend!
Thanks everyone! Kelli, I hope you like those cubes....I think they came out so cool! Better than I had even hoped :O)
You have a great weekend too Dawn...I'm playing around on the computer waiting to go out for Chinese!
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