Monday, March 29, 2010


I got this idea from Kelli, who has become a friend (even though we've never met) :O)  I've written about her before.  She lives in Indianna and our online friendship started through etsy.  Anyhow...You can see more of her work at my website.  With that said, I started making beads by tracing beach stones.  My husband is like, "Why don't you just make a ball and press it into shape?"  Never thought of that I guess ;o)  Actually, I'm liking my method because they are imperfect and have an edge to them more than they would if I started with a ball.  Here's a few pics of them incomplete, one that I made for a customer and one that Kelli put into a necklace....  What'd'ya think?


Pretty Things said...

Really nice! Awesome!

Sparkle Queen said...

Love it! Like the updated look on your blog too... I love rustic, so the barnboard look is great! When you get a chance, can you put up a link to Kelli's Etsy store so we can show her some ♥?

Love your beads & pendants Mary Ann! Have a terrific week!

In the Light of the Moon said...

I agree with you..the organic feel to them is lovely!!Warmest Regards,Cat

Artisan Beads Plus said...

Hi...Kelli doesn't sell on etsy :O( She does shows and was just included in a very big one in her area. Her contact info is on my website ( Each of the pieces is for sale, unless, of course, it says "sold." She does lots of custom orders too and has a business email ( She is incredibly talented!! Thanks for the compliment about my blog....I changed it about 3 times yesterday (it's a good housework avoider technique ;o)

Anonymous said...

Mary Ann, (yes, I finally figured out how to comment on your you didn't have too much wine!!!!:o) ) I can't thank you enough for all of the exposure you're giving me. If I ever get caught up, I'm seriously considering an Etsy site. Just don't have the inventory right now.

Artisan Beads Plus said...

People have asked....Right now my website is down...Just got off the phone with them. Apparently, my certification for my domain name expired...ughhhh! It's all fixed, but will take up to 48 hours to adjust....I have your new stuff published...Asked Bill to buy me something!

Artisan Beads Plus said...

Website is back up and running.....anyone wanting to see more of Kelli's fabulous's :O) You can contact her there too.

Anonymous said...

uh-oh!! Hope you like the brown piece or the olive/turquoise. The others are on their way to Mississippi!!!

Artisan Beads Plus said...

Mississippi? That was fast ;O)

Artisan Beads Plus said...

Ughhhh! I wanted the gray one....That's okay! Hold onto the green/turquoise one, Okay?

Anonymous said...

Will do!! They went with the order to Gina's I told you about. Right now except for the brown and olive/turq, I have very few necklaces with MACarrol beads in it. :D YOU are very popular!!

Off the Beadin' Path said...

My first time on your blog and I love what I see! Kelli's necklace is just perfect!! Shapes and colors, I want one! Not sure I followed the gray, brown, turquoise comments above, but will have a look! Checking out your Etsy very soon.

Artisan Beads Plus said...

Hi....Hopelesslyaddicted (cute name ;o) Kelli's work (along with some other designers) are displayed on my website ( I absolutely LOVE Kelli's work!! Truly gifted :O) YAY Kelli!! YOU GO GIRL ;O)!!!!